
As a parent, you might notice your child struggles with learning in ways that traditional education doesn't address. Whether it's difficulty in telling time, keeping up with reading comprehension, or managing homework, these challenges can be overwhelming for both you and your child. Children can face a range of issues, from trouble concentrating and planning to dealing with low self-confidence and exam stress.

Children and young people with learning difficulties can keep up well if they can learn in a way that suits them. The problem is that they don't know how to do that. Their environment often cannot help them with this either. And then you get into trouble. Learning becomes quite a challenge, and they can no longer keep up with the pace of the class.

One in four children has a learning problem?

One in four children has a learning problem?

More and more children are no longer able to participate in the traditional school system?

Do schools often not have time to provide extra guidance to these children?

Is this causing children to increasingly isolate themselves from their classmates?

Tutoring is often not sufficient to tackle the core learning problem?

What does your child encounter? My child …

Learn differently

Has trouble telling time.

Has difficulty keeping up with reading comprehension.

Finds learning tables difficult.

Has difficulty with plus and minus sums.

Can have difficulty keeping his or her attention.

Needs a lot of time.

Often sits with a full head.

Can't sit still for long.

Learn to learn

Has difficulty concentrating.

Finds it difficult to plan.

Quickly loses motivation.

Suffers from fear of failure.

Has difficulty with structure and organization.

Performs below his or her level.

Has a learning disability.

Has difficulty remembering the lesson material.

Finds automation difficult.

Easily distracted.

Customised tutoring

Has difficulty with a school subject.

Has difficulty with several school subjects.

Does not understand the course material.

Does not memorize the lesson material.

Gets failing grades.

Disappointed by his or her low grades.

Has a learning disability.

Loses his or her self-confidence.


Finds learning difficult.

Finds it difficult to plan homework.

No point in doing homework.

Has a learning disability.

Has difficulty with one or more subjects.

Has exam stress.

Has little self-confidence.

Can't sit still for long.

What do you encounter as the parent?


You may notice your child encounters the same difficulties, leading to frustration and concern about their academic progress and emotional well-being. Your child's unique learning needs require tailored support to help them thrive.


Empowering Growth and Development at Every Age

At Praktijk Bij de Hand, we offer personalized coaching for both children and adults. Our approach is tailored to address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals at different stages of life.


Specialized Support for Unique Challenges

We understand that children and adults with Autism, ADHD, High Sensitivity (HSP), and Down Syndrome require specialized care and attention. Our tailored programs are designed to meet their specific needs, ensuring they receive the best possible support.


Balancing Mind, Body, and Spirit

At Praktijk Bij de Hand, we believe in a holistic approach to well-being, which includes working with energy and meridians to create balance and harmony in the body.


Achieving Academic Success Through Personalized Support

Our study coaching services are designed to help students overcome academic challenges and achieve their full potential. We provide tailored strategies and support to address various learning difficulties.

How Do I Work?

I do an assessment of the person then apply the appropriate methods according to the needs:

Include the Holistic Learning And Wellbeing Coaching

At Praktijk Bij de Hand, the well-being of the individual is central, with a focus on emotional and mental well-being as well as on optimising the learning process.

Together we look for solutions that fit the unique needs of each person. I invite you to contact me and work together towards a life full of balance, peace, well-being and growth.

How I work in more details:

Initial Assessment:

I begin with a comprehensive assessment to understand the unique challenges and needs of the individual.

Personalized Approach:

Based on the assessment, I tailor my methods to suit the specific requirements of each person.

Holistic Learning and Well-Being Coaching:

I integrate various techniques, including energy and meridian work, to create balance and enhance learning capabilities.

Ongoing Support:

Continuous guidance and support to ensure sustained growth and development.

Feel free to discover more about my approach and services on this website. I look forward to supporting you and your family on your path to well-being and personal development.


Mother of a 10 year old girl with dyscalculia and concentration problems

Very happy that teacher Nathalie is there to guide our daughter in the tasks, lessons, ... As parents we wanted to give up the school tasks. We felt that we were getting into a negative spiral every time. We had discussions, crying fits, ... while guiding the lessons. We were not able to fully guide our daughter, because we hit a wall due to the dyslexia and the short attention span.

Thanks to teacher Nathalie, our daughter now gets the right approach in her guidance. She knows perfectly well how to teach our daughter something. She really actively looks for resources, for example working with colors, schedules, ... knows how to deal with a learning disability. It works!

Our daughter has blossomed! Gets good grades, her self-confidence has been boosted. She is motivated to go to class every time. It is certainly a plus that teacher Nathalie has flexible hours and has the possibility to teach online.

Mike, 19 years old (Hyper, ADHD type 2)

Now I understand why I am always so busy. My brain has a red color and is therefore overactive and my body is too. I will take this picture with me to my internship.

Sanne, 14 years old (concentration problems)

Weird how my brain makes the YouTube image bigger or smaller.

Mother of 15 year old boy with dyslexia

Thanks to teacher Nathalie, our daughter gets the right approach and guidance. Nathalie knows exactly what she is doing. Your child is approached as a whole, which allows him to make enormous progress at school and of course gain self-confidence.

Mother of a 10-year-old boy who speaks another language

You don't often come across such sweet, friendly people as Nathalie! She is attentive, listens and helps everyone who needs her. She was able to help my family well and she did so in a nice, cheerful and efficient way. Her patience and affection for the children is clearly noticeable. She has always helped my son in an expert way. I sincerely recommend Nathalie highly.

Mother of two boys aged 5 and 7 with reading problems, HSP and low self-confidence

Dear Nathalie,

You are a top lady! One in a million! From the first day I met you, this felt very good. You come across as very warm and familiar. You radiate a lot of peace. You are someone who can listen well. You show understanding. You can be trusted. You can sometimes say something to you! You are a great and sweet mother with the right standards and values. You try… and you succeed very well… to make your children sweet and good children.

What a “peace” you give your children… Wonderful! (I can still learn a lot from it). Also the way you deal with your “students”… calmly… and in a way that they need it, you achieve the expected results. People like you. You give 200%. If you sink your teeth into something, you go for it. You make people feel at ease with you. You can arrive at your place like a tornado and after an hour you can leave like a cloud. You become “zen” with you. Dearest Nathalie, stay the way you are! You have a heart of gold! I really like you. You are the best… never forget!

Wolstraat 50 - 3960 Bree

B 0032 - 467 019 900

NL 0031 - 622 756 172


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RPR Antwerp department Tongeren

KBC BE32 7350 5694 0402 in the name of Nagoda BV

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